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    CSIR-NET/GATE Physics Reference Book

    Mathematical Physics
    1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences : Mary L. Boas
    2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig
    3. Mathematical Physics: H. K. Dass
    Classical Mechanics
    1. Classical Mechanics : J.C. Upadhyaya
    2. Classical Mechanics : Herbert Goldstein
    3. An Introduction to Mechanics: Kleppner & Kolenkow
    4. Concept of Physics (Volume I): H. C. Verma
    Electromagnetic Theory
    1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: David J. Griffiths
    2. Classical Electrodynamics: Walter Griener
    3. Electricity & Magnetism: B. Ghosh
    Quantum Mechanics
    1. Quantum Mechanics Concepts & Applications: Nouredine Zettili
    2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: David J. Griffiths
    3. Quantum Physics: H.C. Verma
    4. Quantum mechanics: 500 problems with solutions: G. Aruldhas
    Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
    1. Fundamentals of Statistical & Thermal Physics: F. Rief
    2. Statistical Mechanics: R. K. Patharia
    3. Thermal Physics: Garg, Bansal, Ghosh
    4. A Textbook of Statistical Mechanics: Suresh Chandra
    Electronics & Experimental Methods
    1. Digital Electronics: Malvino & Leach
    2. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory: Boylestad & Nashelsky
    3. Electronic Devices & Circuits: Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
    Atomic & Molecular Physics
    1. Atomic and Molecular Physics: Raj Kumar
    2. Fundamental of Molecular Spectroscopy: Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash
    3. Introduction to Atomic Spectra: Harvey Elliott White
    Condensed Matter Physics
    1. Introduction to Solid State Physics: Charles Kittel
    2. Solid State Physics: Puri & Babbar
    3. Solid State Physics: M. A. Wahab
    Nuclear and Particle Physics
    1. Nuclear Physics: D. C. Tayal
    2. Nuclear Physics, An Introduction: S. B. Patel
    3. Introduction to Elementary Particles: David J. Griffiths