CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus
Gaseous State
Behavior of real gases: Deviations from ideal gas behavior, compressibility factor, and its variation with
pressure for different gases. Causes of deviation from ideal behavior. van der Waals equation of state, its
derivation and application in explaining real gas behaviour; van der Waals equation expressed in virial
form, Boyle temperature. Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with van der Waals isotherms,
continuity of states, critical state, critical and van der Waals constants, law of corresponding states.
Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; collision
frequency; collision diameter; mean free path and viscosity of gases, including their temperature and
pressure dependence, relation between mean free path and coefficient of viscosity, calculation of σ from
η; variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure. Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating
molecular velocities (average, root mean square and most probable) and average kinetic energy, law of
equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities.
Liquid State
Structure and physical properties of liquids; vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity, and their dependence on temperature, Effect of addition of various solutes on surface tension, cleansing action of
detergents. Structure of water.
Ionic Equilibria
Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases, pH scale, common ion
effect; dissociation constants of mono-, di- and tri-protic acids. Salt hydrolysis, hydrolysis constants, degree of hydrolysis and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions; Henderson equation, buffer capacity, buffer range, buffer action, applications of buffers in analytical chemistry, Solubility and solubility
product. Brönsted-Lowry concept of acid-base reactions, solvated proton, relative strength of acids, types
of acid-base reactions, levelling solvents, Lewis acid-base concept, Classification of Lewis acids, Hard
and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) Application of HSAB principle. Qualitative treatment of acid – base
titration curves (calculation of pH at various stages). Theory of indicators; selection of indicators and their
limitations. Multistage equilibria in polyelectrolytes.
Solid State
Nature of the solid state, law of constancy of interfacial angles, law of rational indices, Miller indices,
elementary ideas of symmetry, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, qualitative idea of point and space groups, seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices; X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law, a simple
account of rotating crystal method and powder pattern method. Analysis of powder diffraction patterns of
NaCl, CsCl and KCl. Various types of defects in crystals, Glasses and liquid crystals.
Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; isolated, closed and open systems; zeroth law
of thermodynamics. First law: Concept of heat, q, work, w, internal energy, U, and statement of first law;
enthalpy, H, relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible, irreversible and
free expansion of gases (ideal and van der Waals) under isothermal and adiabatic conditions.
Heats of reactions: standard states; enthalpy of formation of molecules and ions and enthalpy of combustion and its applications; calculation of bond energy, bond dissociation energy and resonance energy from thermochemical data, effect of temperature (Kirchhoff’s equations), pressure on enthalpy of
Second Law:
Concept of entropy; thermodynamic scale of temperature, statement of the second law of thermodynamics; molecular and statistical interpretation of entropy. Calculation of entropy change for
reversible and irreversible processes.
Third law of thermodynamics:
Third Law of thermodynamics, residual entropy, calculation of absolute entropy of molecules.
Free Energy Functions:
Gibbs and Helmholtz energy; variation of S, G, A with T, V, P; Free energy change and spontaneity.
Relation between Joule-Thomson coefficient and other thermodynamic parameters; inversion temperature; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation; Maxwell relations; thermodynamic equation of state.
Partial molar quantities
Partial molar quantities, dependence of thermodynamic parameters on composition; Gibbs Duhem equation, chemical potential of ideal mixtures, change in thermodynamic functions in mixing of ideal
Dilute solutions or Colligative Properties
Dilute solutions; lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s and Henry’s Laws and their applications. Excess thermodynamic functions. Thermodynamic derivation using chemical potential to derive relations between the four colligative properties: [(i) relative lowering of vapour pressure, (ii) elevation of boiling
point, (iii) Depression of freezing point, (iv) osmotic pressure] and amount of solute. Applications in calculating molar masses of normal, dissociated and associated solutes in solution.
Molecular Spectroscopy & Photochemistry
Unit-I Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with molecules and various types of spectra; Born Oppenheimer approximation. Rotation spectroscopy: Selection rules, intensities of spectral lines, determination of bond lengths of diatomic and linear triatomic molecules, isotopic substitution.
Vibrational spectroscopy: Classical equation of vibration, computation of force constant, amplitude of diatomic molecular vibrations, anharmonicity, Morse potential, dissociation energies, fundamental frequencies, overtones, hot bands, degrees of freedom for polyatomic molecules, modes of vibration,
concept of group frequencies. Vibration-rotation spectroscopy: diatomic vibrating rotator, P, Q, R
Unit-II Raman spectroscopy: Qualitative treatment of Rotational Raman effect; Effect of nuclear spin,
Vibrational Raman spectra, Stokes and anti-Stokes lines; their intensity difference, rule of mutual
exclusion. Electronic spectroscopy: Franck-Condon principle, electronic transitions, singlet and triplet
states, fluorescence and phosphorescence, dissociation and pre-dissociation.
Unit-III Photophysical and photochemical processes: laws of photochemistry, quantum yield. Jablonski
diagrams: Franck-Condon principle, Law of photochemical equivalence, quantum efficiency, low and
high quantum efficiency. kinetics of photochemical reactions (H2 + Br2 HBr, 2HI H2 + I2), energy
transfer in photochemical reactions (photosensitization and quenching), fluorescence, phosphorescence,
chemiluminescence, Discussion of Electronic spectra and photochemistry (Lambert-Beer law and its
Chemical Kinetics
Order and molecularity of a reaction, rate laws in terms of the advancement of a reaction, differential and
integrated rate laws for first, second and fractional order reactions, pseudounimolecular reactions,
determination of the order, kinetics of complex reactions (limited to first order): (i) Opposing reactions
(ii) parallel reactions and (iii) consecutive reactions and their differential rate equations (steady-state
approximation in reaction mechanisms) (iv) chain reactions. Temperature dependence of reaction rates;
Arrhenius equation; activation energy. Collision theory of reaction rates, Lindemann mechanism,
qualitative treatment of the theory of absolute reaction rates.
Types of catalyst, specificity and selectivity, mechanisms of catalyzed reactions at solid surfaces; effect of
particle size and efficiency of nanoparticles as catalysts. Enzyme catalysis, MichaelisMenten mechanism,
acid-base catalysis.
Surface chemistry
Physical adsorption, chemisorption, adsorption isotherms (Freundlich, Temkin, Derivation of Langumuir
adsorption isotherms, surface area determination), BET theory of multilayer adsorption (no derivation),
Adsorption in solution
Phase Equilibria
Concept of phases, components and degrees of freedom, derivation of Gibbs Phase Rule for nonreactive
and reactive systems; Clausius-Clapeyron equation and its applications to solid liquid, liquid-vapour and
solid-vapour equilibria, phase diagram for one component systems, with applications. Phase diagrams for
systems of solid-liquid equilibria involving eutectic, congruent and incongruent melting points, solid
solutions. Three component systems, waterchloroform-acetic acid system, triangular plots. Binary
solutions: Gibbs-Duhem-Margules equation, its derivation and applications to fractional distillation of
binary miscible liquids (ideal and nonideal), azeotropes, lever rule, partial miscibility of liquids, CST,
miscible pairs, steam distillation. Nernst distribution law: its derivation and applications.
Introduction to Quantum Chemistry:
Unit-I Introduction to black-body radiation and distribution of energy, photo-electic effect, concept of
quantization, wave particle duality (de-Broglie’s hypothesis), The uncertainty principle, The wave
function: wave function and its interpretation, conditions of normalization and Orthogonality and its
significance. Basic idea about operators, eigen function and values, Schrodinger equation and application to free-particle and particle in a box, boundary conditions, wave functions and energies, degeneracy,
hydrogen atom, Schrodinger equation in polar coordinates, radial and angular parts of the hydrogenic
orbitals, degeneracies, spherical harmonics, representations of hydrogenic orbitals.
Unit-II Quantitative treatment of simple harmonic osciallator model, setting up of Schodinger equation
and discussion of solution of wave functions. Rigid rotator model and discussion of application of
Schrodinger equation. idea about transformation to spherical polar coordinate, discussion on solution.
Unit-III Qualitative treatment of hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like ions: setting up of Schrödinger
equation in spherical polar coordinates, radial part, quantization of energy (only final energy expression).
Average and most probable distances of electron from nucleus. Valence bond and molecular orbital
approaches, LCAO-MO treatment of H2, H2 + ; bonding and anti-bonding orbitals, Comparison of
LCAO-MO and VB treatments of H2 (only wavefunctions, detailed solution not required) and their
Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity and their
variation with dilution for weak and strong electrolytes. Molar conductivity at infinite dilution.
Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation, Wien effect, Debye-
Falkenhagen effect, Walden’s rules. Ionic velocities, mobilities and their determinations, transference
numbers and their relation to ionic mobilities, determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and
Moving Boundary methods. Applications of conductance measurement: (i) degree of dissociation of weak
electrolytes, (ii) ionic product of water (iii) solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts, (iv)
conductometric titrations, and (v) hydrolysis constants of salts.
Quantitative aspects of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, rules of oxidation/reduction of ions based on halfcell potentials, applications of electrolysis in metallurgy and industry. Chemical cells, reversible and
irreversible cells with examples. Electromotive force of a cell and its measurement, Nernst equation;
Standard electrode (reduction) potential and its application to different kinds of half-cells. Application of
EMF measurements in determining (i) free energy, enthalpy and entropy of a cell reaction, (ii)
equilibrium constants, and (iii) pH values, using hydrogen, quinone-hydroquinone, glass and SbO/Sb2O3
electrodes. Concentration cells with and without transference, liquid junction potential; determination of
activity coefficients and transference numbers. Qualitative discussion of potentiometric titrations (acidbase, redox, precipitation).
Atomic Structure
Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom. Wave mechanics: de’ Broglie
equation, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its significance, Schrödinger’s wave equation,
significance of ψ and ψ2. Quantum numbers and their significance. Normalized and orthogonal wave
functions. Sign of wave functions. Radial and angular wave functions for hydrogen atom. Radial and
angular distribution curves. Shapes of s, p, d and f orbitals. Contour boundary and probability diagrams.
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s principle and its limitations,
Variation of orbital energy with atomic number.
Periodicity of Elements
s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of periodic table. Detailed discussion of the following properties
of the elements, with reference to s and p-block. (a) Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening
effect, Slater rules, variation of effective nuclear charge in periodic table. (b) Atomic radii (van’der
Waals) (c) Ionic and crystal radii. (d) Covalent radii (octahedral and tetrahedral) (e) Ionization enthalpy,
Successive ionization enthalpies and factors affecting ionization energy. Applications of ionization enthalpy. (f) Electron gain enthalpy, trends of electron gain enthalpy. (g)Electronegativity, Pauling,
Mullikan, Allred Rachow scales, electronegativity and bond order, partial charge, hybridization, group
electronegativity. Sanderson electron density ratio.
Chemical Bonding
Ionic bond: General characteristics, types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations. Packing
of ions in crystals. Born-Landé equation with derivation, expression for lattice energy. Madelung constant, Born-Haber cycle and its application, Solvation energy.
Covalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR), Shapes of
simple molecules and ions containing lone-and bond-pairs of electrons multiple bonding, sigma and pibond approach, Valence Bond theory, (Heitler-London approach). Hybridization containing s, p and s, p,
d atomic orbitals, shapes of hybrid orbitals, Bents rule, Resonance and resonance energy, Molecular
orbital theory. Molecular orbital diagrams of simple homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules,
MO diagrams of simple tri and tetra-atomic molecules, e.g., N2, O2, C2, B2, F2, CO, NO, and their ions;
HCl, BeF2, CO2, HCHO, (idea of s-p mixing and orbital interaction to be given). Covalent character in
ionic compounds, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan rules, polarization. Ionic character in
covalent compounds: Bond moment and dipole moment. ionic character from dipole moment and
Metallic bonding and Weak chemical forces
Metallic Bond: Qualitative idea of free electron model, Semiconductors, Insulators.
Weak Chemical Forces: van’der Waals, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, induced dipole dipoleinduced dipole
interactions, Lenard-Jones 6-12 formula, hydrogen bond, effects of hydrogen bonding on melting and
boiling points, solubility, dissolution.
Oxidation-Reduction and general principle of metallurgy
Redox equations, Standard Electrode Potential and its application to inorganic reactions. Occurrence of
metals based on standard electrode potentials. Ellingham diagrams for reduction of metal oxides using
carbon or carbon monoxide as reducing agent. Electrolytic Reduction, Hydrometallurgy. Methods of
purification of metals: Electrolytic Kroll process, Parting process, van Arkel- de Boer process and Mond’s
process, Zone refining.
Chemistry of s and p Block Elements
Inert pair effect, Relative stability of different oxidation states, diagonal relationship and anomalous
behavior of first member of each group. Allotropy and catenation. Complex formation tendency of s and p
block elements. Hydrides and their classification ionic, covalent and interstitial. Basic beryllium acetate
and nitrate. Structure, bonding, preparation, properties and uses. Boric acid and borates, boron nitrides, borohydrides (diborane) carboranes and graphitic compounds, silanes, Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen, Phosphorus and chlorine. Per-oxo acids of Sulphur inter-halogen compounds, polyhalide ions, pseudo-halogens, properties of halogens.
Noble Gases
Occurrence and uses, rationalization of inertness of noble gases, Clathrates; preparation and properties of
XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6; Bonding in noble gas compounds (Valence bond and MO treatment for XeF2),
Shapes of noble gas compounds (VSEPR theory).
Inorganic Polymers
Types of inorganic polymers, comparison with organic polymers, synthesis, structural aspects and
applications of silicones and siloxanes. Borazines, silicates and phosphazenes, and polysulphates.
Coordination Chemistry
Werner’s theory, EAN rule, piano-stool compounds, valence bond theory (inner and outer orbital
complexes), Crystal field theory, d-orbital splitting, weak and strong fields, pairing energies, factors
affecting the magnitude of (Δ). Octahedral vs. tetrahedral coordination, tetragonal distortions from
octahedral geometry Jahn-Teller theorem, square planar complexes, d orbital splitting in trigonal
bipyramidal, square pyramidal and cubic ligand field environments, CFSE, Variation of lattice energies,
enthalpies of hydration and crystal radii variations in halides of first and second row transition metal series, Qualitative aspect of Ligand field theory, MO diagrams of representative coronation complexes, IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds. Stereochemistry of complexes with the coordination number 4 and 6, Chelate effect, Transition Elements
General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, colour, variable valency, magnetic and catalytic properties, and ability to form complexes. Stability of various oxidation states and e.m.f. (Latimer & Bsworth diagrams). Difference between the first, second and third transition series. Chemistry of Ti, V, Cr Mn, Fe and Co in various oxidation states (excluding their metallurgy)
Lanthanoids and Actinides
Electronic configuration, oxidation states, color, spectra and magnetic behavior, lanthanide contraction,
separation of lanthanides (ion-exchange method only).
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Metal ions present in biological systems, classification of elements according to their action in biological
system. Geochemical effect on distribution of metals. Sodium / K-pump, carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase. Excess and deficiency of some trace metals. Toxicity of metal ions (Hg, Pb, Cd and
As), toxicity, chelating agents in medicine. Iron and its application in biosystems, Haemoglobin; Storage and transfer of iron.
Organometallic Compounds
Definition and classification of organometallic compounds on the basis of bond type. Concept of hapticity
of organic ligands. Metal carbonyls: 18 electron rule, electron count of mononuclear, polynuclear and
substituted metal carbonyls of 3d series. General methods of preparation (direct combination, reductive
carbonylation, thermal and photochemical decomposition) of mono and binuclear carbonyls of 3d series.
Structures of mononuclear and binuclear carbonyls of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni using VBT. pi-acceptor
behaviour of CO (MO diagram of CO to be discussed), synergic effect and use of IR data to explain
extent of back bonding.
- Basics of Organic Chemistry
Organic Compounds: Classification, and Nomenclature, Hybridization, Shapes of molecules, Influence of
hybridization on bond properties. Electronic Displacements: Inductive, electromeric, resonance and
mesomeric effects, hyperconjugation and their applications; Dipole moment; Organic acids and bases;
their relative strength. Homolytic and Heterolytic fission with suitable examples. Curly arrow rules, formal charges; Electrophiles and Nucleophiles; Nucleophlicity and basicity; Types, shape and relative
stabilities of reaction intermediates (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals and Carbenes). Organic
reactions and their mechanism: Addition, Elimination and Substitution reactions.
- Stereochemistry
Concept of asymmetry, Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse projection formulae and their
interconversions; Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans and, syn-anti isomerism E/Z notations with C.I.P
rules. Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers,
Molecules with two or more chiral-centres, Distereoisomers, meso structures, Racemic mixtures, Relative
and absolute configuration: D/L and R/S designations.
- Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Carbon-Carbon sigma bonds
Chemistry of alkanes: Formation of alkanes, Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz- Fittig Reactions, Free radical
substitutions: Halogenation – relative reactivity and selectivity.
Carbon-Carbon pi-bonds.
Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions, Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cb reactions.
Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations. Reactions of alkenes: Electrophilic additions their mechanisms
(Markownikoff/ Anti Markownikoff addition), mechanism of oxymercuration demercuration,
hydroboration- oxidation, ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), syn and anti-hydroxylation
(oxidation). 1, 2- and 1, 4- addition reactions in conjugated dienes and, DielsAlder reaction; Allylic and
benzylic bromination and mechanism, e.g. propene, 1-butene, toluene, ethyl benzene. Reactions of
alkynes: Acidity, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions.
Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis
Cycloalkanes and stability, Baeyer strain theory, Conformation analysis, Energy diagrams of
cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Aromaticity: Huckel’s rule, aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/carbanions and heterocyclic
compounds with suitable examples. Electrophilic aromatic substitution: halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Craft’s alkylation/acylation with their mechanism. Directing effects of substituent groups.
Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Alkyl halides: Methods of preparation, nucleophilic substitution reactions – SN1, SN2 and SNi
mechanisms with stereochemical aspects and effect of solvent etc.; nucleophilic substitution vs.
Aryl halides: Preparation, including preparation from diazonium salts. nucleophilic aromatic substitution;
SNAr, Benzyne mechanism. Relative reactivity of alkyl, allyl/benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides towards
nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Organometallic compounds of Mg and Li and their use in synthesis.
Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides
Alcohols: preparation, properties and relative reactivity of 1°, 2°, 3° alcohols, Bouvaelt-Blanc Reduction;
Preparation and properties of glycols: Oxidation by periodic acid and lead tetraacetate, Pinacol-
Pinacolone rearrangement.
Phenols: Preparation and properties; Acidity and factors effecting it, Ring substitution reactions, Reimer–
Tiemann and Kolbe’s–Schmidt Reactions, Fries and Claisen rearrangements with mechanism.
Ethers and Epoxides: Preparation and reactions with acids. Reactions of epoxides with alcohols, ammonia
derivatives and LiAlH4
Carbonyl Compounds
Structure, reactivity and preparation; Nucleophilic additions, Nucleophilic addition-elimination reactions
with ammonia derivatives with mechanism; Mechanisms of Aldol and Benzoin condensation,
Knoevenagel condensation, Claisen-Schmidt, Perkin, Cannizzaro and Wittig reaction, Beckmann and
Benzil-Benzilic acid rearrangements, haloform reaction and Baeyer Villiger oxidation, α-substitution
reactions, oxidations and reductions (Clemmensen, WolffKishner, LiAlH4, NaBH4, MPV, PDC and
PGC); Addition reactions of unsaturated carbonyl compounds: Michael addition.
Active methylene compounds: Keto-enol tautomerism. Preparation and synthetic applications of diethyl
malonate and ethyl acetoacetate.
Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives
Preparation, physical properties and reactions of monocarboxylic acids: Typical reactions of dicarboxylic
acids, hydroxy acids and unsaturated acids: succinic/phthalic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, maleic and
fumaric acids; Preparation and reactions of acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters and amides; Comparative
study of nucleophilic substitution at acyl group -Mechanism of acidic and alkaline hydrolysis of esters,
Claisen condensation, Dieckmann and Reformatsky reactions, Hofmann bromamide degradation and
Curtius rearrangement.
Sulphur containing compounds
Preparation and reactions of thiols, thioethers and sulphonic acids
Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups
Preparation and important reactions of nitro and compounds, nitriles and isonitriles Amines: Effect of
substituent and solvent on basicity; Preparation and properties: Gabriel phthalimide synthesis, Carbylamine reaction, Mannich reaction, Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation, Hofmann-elimination
reaction; Distinction between 1°, 2° and 3° amines with Hinsberg reagent and nitrous acid. Diazonium
salts: Preparation and synthetic applications.
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons
Reactions of naphthalene phenanthrene and anthracene Structure, Preparation and structure elucidation
and important derivatives of naphthalene and anthracene; Polynuclear hydrocarbons.
Heterocyclic Compounds
Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings containing
one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reactions of Furan, Pyrrole (Paal-
Knorr synthesis, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, Hantzsch synthesis), Thiophene, Pyridine (Hantzsch synthesis),
Pyrimidine, Structure elucidation of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis), Structure
elucidation of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr quinoline
synthesis, Doebner-Miller synthesis, Bischler-Napieralski reaction, Pictet-Spengler reaction, Pomeranz-
Fritsch reaction Derivatives of furan: Furfural and furoic acid.
Natural occurrence, General structural features, Isolation and their physiological action Hoffmann’s
exhaustive methylation, Emde’s modification, Structure elucidation and synthesis of Hygrine and
Nicotine. Medicinal importance of Nicotine, Hygrine, Quinine, Morphine, Cocaine, and Reserpine Terpenes Occurrence, classification, isoprene rule; Elucidation of stucture and synthesis of Citral, Neral and α- terpineol.
Organic Spectroscopy
Basic Principles of UV Spectroscopy:
Application of Woodward-Fiser rule in interpretation of Organic compounds: Application of visible,
ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy in organic molecules. Electromagnetic radiation, electronic
transitions, λmax & εmax, chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts.
Application of electronic spectroscopy and Woodward rules for calculating λmax of conjugated dienes
and α,β – unsaturated compounds.
Basic principles of IR Spectroscopy:
Identification of Functional groups of various classes of organic compounds: Infrared radiation and types
of molecular vibrations, functional group and fingerprint region. IR spectra of alkanes, alkenes and simple
alcohols (inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonding), aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their
derivatives (effect of substitution on >C=O stretching absorptions).
NMR (1 H and 13C NMR):
Application of Chemical Shifts, Splitting of signals, Spin coupling and Over Houser effect in
interpretation of NMR spectra, Isotopic exchange.
Basic principles Mass Spectrometry:
Application of fragmentation rule in characterization of organic compounds. Problems on structure
elucidation of organic compounds based on spectral data.