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    GATE Physics Coaching

    GATE Physics Coaching
    Career Endeavour offers Offline and Online Classes for GATE Physics Coaching along with an Online Test Series. Our comprehensive course covers a complete Syllabus along with an in-depth Analysis as per the GATE Physics Exam Pattern.

    GATE Physics Coaching 2026
    Course Date Fees Reg. Link
    Online 02 March 2025 Rs. 27,000/- Enroll Now
    Offline 05 March 2025 Rs. 35,000/- Enroll Now
    Recorded Rs. 20,000/- Enroll Now

    What is GATE?
    Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India.

    Why GATE?
    GATE is considered to be the standard examination conducted not only for post-graduation admissions but also to open the gates for opportunities in several public sector enterprises and research organizations. Based on the score achieved in GATE, admissions are offered in IITs, IISc, and NITs, and abundant opportunities for campus placements with the best salary packages.

    Important of GATE Exam:

    • M.Tech Campus placements in National and International private or public companies.
    • Several reputed PSUs and research organizations recruit on the basis of the GATE Score. i.e. IOCL, NTPC, ONGC, BARC etc.
    • Teaching: Professor, Asst. Professor at IITs, NITs, reputed educational Institutes, etc.
    • Junior Research Fellow: ISRO, DRDO, BARC, IITs, and CSIR Lab.
    • Junior Research Associates/ Senior Project Associates.
    • Scientist ā€œCā€ grade jobs.
    • Career in Research and Development.

    GATE Eligibility:

    The eligibility to appear for the GATE exam is as follows:

    • Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture (4 years after 10+2) and those who are pursuing the final year of such program.
    • Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture (Post-B.Sc./Post-Diploma) and those who are in the final year of such programs.
    • Master’s degree (M.Sc.) holders in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final year of such programs.
    • Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master’s degree program (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology.
    • Candidates in the fourth or higher year of a Five-year integrated Master’s degree program or Dual Degree program in Engineering/Technology.

    GATE Physics Exam Pattern:

    GATE Physics Test Papers contain questions of three types: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs); Multiple Select
    Questions (MSQs); and Numerical Answer Type (NAT).

    Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carry 1 or 2 marks each. Each MCQ will have choice of four answers, out of
    which ONLY ONE choice is correct. For a wrong answer chosen in a MCQ, there will be negative marking. For a
    1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. Likewise, for 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be
    deducted for a wrong answer.

    Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) carry 1 or 2 marks each. Each MSQ will have choice of four answers, out of
    which ONE or MORE than ONE choice(s) is / are correct. There is NO negative marking for a wrong answer in
    MSQ questions. However, there is NO partial credit for choosing partially correct combinations of answers.

    Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions carry 1 or 2 marks each. For NAT questions, the answer is a signed
    real number, which must be entered by the candidate using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor
    (keyboard of the computer will be disabled). No choices will be shown for these types of questions. The answer
    can be a number such as 10 or -10 (an integer only). The answer may be in decimals as well, for example,10.1
    (one decimal) or 10.01 (two decimals) or -10.001 (three decimals). The stem of the NAT question will indicate the
    number of decimal places that must be specified in the answer. Candidates are advised to round-off only at the
    end of the calculation and not at intermediate stages of the calculation. There is NO negative marking for a
    wrong answer in NAT questions.

    GATE Physics Mock Test Click careerendeavouronlinetest.com

    Section Qs. No. of Qs. Marks Per Qs. Total Marks
    General Aptitude 1 to 5 5 1 5
    6 to 10 5 2 10
    Physics 1 to 25 25 1 25
    26 to 55 30 2 60
    Total Questions: 65 Total Marks: 100 3 Hours

    GATE Notification:

    Sale of information brochure and Offline application form/online application form submission Sept
    Last date of issue of information brochure and application forms by post from GATE Offices, bank counters, GATE office counters Oct
    Last date for submission of the Online application form Oct
    Last date for submission of receipt of completed Offline/Online Application form at respective zonal GATE Office. Nov
    GATE Exam Feb
    GATE Result March

    GATE Physics Online Classes

    Ph.: 9717 880 045, 9899 628 311